Journal — Labradorite
Aquamarine Aries Clarity Communication Crystals and Gemstones Labradorite Pisces Water Element

As we are nearing the end of winter, the time and season of water, we are reminded to honor this precious element and resource. As we begin this month in the sign of Pisces, a water sign, we are reminded that we are still in the essence of going within, dreaming and making magic. Wintertime begins at the Winter Solstice in the sign of Capricorn, the sea goat, then moves into Aquarius, the water bearer, in late January. Although these signs are not "water signs", there is a theme of water within them. Aquarius is followed by Pisces, the yin/yang fish,...
Crystals and Gemstones Intuition Labradorite magic stone

Labradorite is the stone of magic! It was discovered in 1770 on the Labrador peninsula near the top of Canada, hence its name, and is in the same mineral class as spectrolite, a similar looking stone which comes from Finland. It carries intuitive abilities, clairvoyance, telepathy, astral travel, prophecy, psychic reading, and all other gifted abilities. This resonates with all chakras. Its a wonderful stone for magic and protection. According to Robert Simmons, from Book of Stones, "This stone is an interdimensional stone, emanating an energy which helps one to consciously pierce the veil between our waking world and the...